Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Normal Again

I keep trying to justify the large gaps between one entry and another; but everytime I do so, I risk sounding like a bloody broken record. So I'm not gonna bore you with my usual opening lines (or paragraphs, mind you). Let's just jump straight to the non-existence of substantial things to say.

So, yeah, honestly speaking, there are not a whole lot of exciting things that can grace this space. same old, same old. But hey, this is my space and I can say bloody well what I want; so don't go complaining. I writ for my satisfaction and no more.

Last semester ended with not much of a bang. Or, you cold be if you define it to be a total lack of sanity. Due to the obliviousness and insensitivity of many parties, I foud myself more than simply just begging for a holiday. On a normal day, the prospect of a holiday meant wishing I was on my feet, occupying my abundance of time doing something. But that time around, a holiday was a welcome reprieve.

I had 3 weeks of holidays. And damn, I made every day count. I missed my family a whole lot. It's hard having to see my family only once a month or so. I know others don't even have that luxury; but e all have our definition of missage; and this is mine. The 3 weeks I had I spent having long conversations with my mother, who is hands down my best friend in the world. It's nice to see my father whom despite his lack of conversation, gives so much affection. And my siblings, well, miraculously, we hardly fought. All my frustration and temper I kept under wraps. I was determined to enjoy my holiday.

But the weeks came and went, and the next thing I knew I was on a train back to KL. As fun as it is thinking of a brand new semester, I wanted more time with my family. The thought of leaving them for another month or more made my heart ache so. But no amount of wishing could bring me more weeks to spend with them... So, I found myself in KL sentral on the 22nd of April, armed and ready for yet another semester.

Starting the semester, well, nothing new to me now. I'm halfway through my third year, so this is fairly a rountine. I got a new room, which is now on the second floor, or rather, the ground floor. I share a room with Aaina, Zaza (my old roomie from PJ days) and a new roomie who is a Law student (I don't know her so I hope we get along great). The room is pretty nice. It's clean and well taken care of, so when I moved in, all that was needed to be done was just to sweep the floor and to scrub the walls clean. And now it already has the home-y feeling of comfort.
Subjects I'm taking? Well, I'm taking 'Linguistics Approach to Literature' as well as 'Tilawah 2'. I was planning on taking Arabic but chickened out at the last minute. Aaina and I thought we should probablt take it with a whole bunch of friends so it would be easier for us to study. So I have only those two subjects.

Now it's only 2 weeks into the semester but we've hardly had any classes due to the lots of holidays (occasions and public holidays). But hey, no complaints here. Although, even with the extra holidays, it's not like I can go to Kedah... But then, I get to go back to Shah Alam and that is quite good enough. I get to spend time with my aunt and uncle as well as my friends.
Speaking of, I managed to spend some time with my friends whom I miss very much; Hamzah in particular. See, Fairuz has this final assignment whereby she has to create an advert on mobile TV. After spending the whole night discussing the layout and the script of the advert, we had a shoothing done over the weekend. It was fun, just driving around Shah Alam and going to various spots to shoot the advert. I had to play the part of a heartbroken girl who is trying to let go. And I, well, I have no talent whatsoever in the acting biz. I've done here and there some scripts and stuff, but that is the extent of my abilities in that department. Acting, I don't think I can pull it off. I think I rather looked like a typical 'jiwang karat' girl walking about in the bushes clutching a box full of memories... I threw away a heart in the river and looked sooo 'jiwang'.

Urgh...Well, lets see. the outcome. But the best part is having the chance to spend time with some good friends. There was Fairuz and Iylia, and not to forget Hamzah. I haven't seen Hamzah for over a year and I missed him very much. And eventhough the weekend was more of a work thing, it was just nice to be in the company of people who make me feel so safe and happy. Thanks guys. Love you lots.

And so, that has been my life in the past month. I know, not much to go on about but it was good for me all the same. I'm not so much on the going wild bit, so no matter how tame I spent my time having fun, it's good all the same, and I couldn't ask for more.

Well, I guess that's all I could conjure up for the moment. I hope to get more posts up. I'm feeling rather full and need to unload a bit. Will do so as soon as I get them into writing. So this is all for now. Bye then!

Love, Lin~

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