Monday, April 09, 2012

Accident on Saturday.
Today, I'm waiting by the side of the road for the tow truck because my car just started smoking as I was about to head to work.
Asdil is on his way. And I forgot all the insurance stuff.
It's 2 days to our 4th anniversary.
Times likes these I wonder how he stays patient with me. How he hides his exasperation when I do something so foolish. Four years on and he's so level-headed in these situations when I'm losing my head. And on top of that, he then finds a way to put a smile on my face or make me laugh.
I don't know how he does it. But what I do know is that I'm beyond lucky to have found a man like him. Words can only say so much but I hope he knows how much I appreciate him for all he does. And I hope he knows I love him beyond the capability of human words.
But still, I'll try:
I love you Asdil.

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