Friday, May 30, 2008
My 22 Minutes of Fame
27th May 2008. Tuesday. By right and schedule, I have World Literature in English at 10am with Miss Aishah. But where was I? Not in class, that's for sure. Nope, I was somewhere doing something much out of my character, or usual day-to-day life, even. Where was I at that time? I was at NTV7 studios, having my make-up done in their make-up room, waiting for Fairuz to arrive, while being anxious about being on air in an hour's time.
Yup, I was gonna be appearing on tv. NTV7 to be exact on a show called 'Venus'. Apparently after the stint in Female Magazine, now NTV7 decided they wanted to interview us as well on their daily women's talk show. And what for? What else if not to talk about my obsession, Joss Whedon and his works. All hail Joss. The show was gonna focus on my friend Fairuz and I and our interest in collecting various things, including movie/tv show/music memorabilia among other things. And me, of couse, would be showcasing my Whedonesque collection. From my BtVS/Angel/Firefly action figures to books and comics. I was feeling so damn proud.
So, after my make-up, I was ushered into the sound room or whatever they call it and was hooked up with wires for microphones and such and was brought onto the set. The host/producer. Sariah Wan Jaafar, was gonna interview us instead of their other host, Aishah Sinclair, and we chatted a bit before we went live. Fairuz soon came in and we were both just psyching one another to relax. I swear to God, when the cameramen started counting down to going live, I panicked a while, suddenly forgetting what I was there for and worrying about what I was gonna say, how I was gonna look on tv and how I would sound. But it was all good when it started, and was able to gather my wits and do my thing.
It was all good. I knew my collections through and through. It's not something foreign for me to talk about. I mean, I was talking in my lingo, how hard can it possibly be? So I did my thing. I would say I did rather well. I didn't clam up or get nervous or start that's definitely 'well' in my book. Although, Sariah jumped us with the 'do you have a boyfriend' question and what our boyfriend's think about our collectibles. Me, not expecting any of that kind of questions became sweaty all of a sudden and was thinking 'Bloody hell. What do I say?'. I wasn't gonna deny the fact that I'm with Ash but at the same time, I have yet to tell some of my family members about my new status and I don't think they're ready just yet. After a bit of a pause, I said that 'It would remain a mystery' and thankfully we went to commercials so I could regroup.
Heheh...It was all good. I would have liked it if Ash was there but it's ok sayang. You had class and you couldn't afford to miss it. And anyway you were there for me when I had to go to Cyberjaya for the shooting for the cover story at Fairuz's house. I appreciated it lots that you were there with me. Love you.
So, that's one helluva experience. My half-an-hour of fame, I suppose. Hehehe...I should be so lucky. Apparently it costs 30k a person to come on a show like that and we simply got invited. And even more, I got to talk about Joss and promote his work and spread the love. So...that's it. My half-an-hour on live national tv. It was cool. An experience that I wouldn't trade for the world.
Of course, my father being my father (I have no resentment; just some slight exasperation and amusement), he went on about how these things can be dangerous. How there are always people preying on young, 'impressionable' people, luring them with false promises of popularity and such. First of all, I was not attention-hungry when I got into it. I am not one to thrust myself too much into the limelight, I am not comfortable with it. I don't even fancy showbiz. I was just honestly piqued by the idea of promoting Joss Whedon and his works. And also, I didn't just jump into it without really knowing whether it was for real. Besides, I had Ash with me most of the time to keep an eye out. So I did not have to worry.
As for the others? Well, I got a whole bunch of comments and stuff, but all in all good.
Thanks Jasmine for the experience. Ayus for getting us into crazy stuff like this. My sayang, Ash, for the support and company. FidZy for lending me your 'other men' in your life. My mother, my biggest fan. And all you others, friends and family alike for various reasons. It wouldn't have been half as fun without you guys being around.
So here's the clips from the show. I may have seemed anxious, fidgety and concious; but what the heck, it was fun.
Love, LinZy~
~I feel rushed and
- Tags angel, buffy, fire, firefly, iium, joss whedon, serenity
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