Wednesday, August 08, 2007


I don't usually hate. I'd dislike, yes, but it is very rare that I hate. Of course, this is not counting vile people whom you read of in the papers. Those people do not even warrant the moment of contemplation of where they stand. They're a waste of space, a waste of even the slightest of a thought.

But I'm not talking about these people. I need not waste my time talking about such non-persons. I'm here to talk about other sorts of people.

Like I said, I don't usually hate. Hate to me is a very strong emotion that is brought about in me by anger that I feel towards someone. And this anger itself is brought out in me when a person I come into contact with shows no sense of respect towards who you are and therefore assumes superiority and treats you as if you were insignificant little people. I HATE these people. There is nothing left to feel and say but hate.

It is not in my nature to hate. Well, I don't let myself hate, anyway. I'm peaceable enough if you give me my due respect and treat me like a person. I'm not saying we have to be the best of buddies or you have to grovel at my feet, but I'm saying is that, I'm a person with my own rights and should be treated so. But if you do otherwise, then I'll do the same and not feel any need to think of you as a person.

In the past month, I've come to know another person that I am starting to feel intense hatred for. I'm not going to mention his name. so hopefully the fact that I said I've come to know him within this past month and the fact he's a 'he', will give you enough clues.

My anger towards him could not even put into words. The thought of the things he says to you and how he regards you sets me seething with anger. He talks to you calmly with a smile on his face like a friendly person, but the sugarcoated words hide sarcastic, poisonous words that he assumes you would not get or understand because of your stupidity. He would give you so-called fatherly advice that belies his insinuating rancourous remarks. In other words, he's trying to tell you all that you all are a bunch of good-for-nothing louts who will mature to be a waste of time and money, useless people. And if you have enough dumb luck, you'll live a good enough life to support your useless existence. And he says all this every time we see him.

I'm not sure if others see this and just choose to stay mum about it all. Because I see them laugh at his jokes that not at all funny as it seems on the surface. Maybe they do, maybe they don't, I can't really say. But if they do, I hope they don't have this hatred living in them like the one I have. It's a disease I can't be rid off, and it only serves to make me hate him more.

He has authority over us. I get that. I don't altogether hate authority, as long as that authority is not abused. I recognize some authority and certain superiority because I know that I do not know everything and must seek answers from those of the more experienced. But when those of authority rub the fact that you are lesser than them in your face, I have not an ounce of respect for them left. And this is how I feel about him.

I can sit here writing this and sound extremely calm. But if I were to really express how I feel, I reckon they'd bleep every other word coming out of my mouth. I don't mean to be so angry, really. It's not so in my nature to be all hateful. But sometimes I just get pushed to my limit.


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