Tuesday, April 13, 2004

These sleepless nights...

I have this uncontrollable urge to NOT sleep at night. Whenever I turn off the lights and try to concentrate on the soft chirping of the crickets outside and the steady whirring of the fan. I have this voice in my head that tells me I'm just wasting my time away just sleeping like this. There's a constant nagging that just tugs my eyelids open , forcing me awake to embrace the night. I am a daughter of the night. Odin's mistress. I slave beneath his watchful eye as he begs my nightly vigil.

So here I am, here I lie writing. With the dim sliver of light illuminating these white pages. My hand swaying to the rhythm and shape of my words. My two other roommates are sleeping soundly, ignorant to the deafening silence that threatens to punish me should I fall into slumber.

There are no thoughts to ponder this night. No questions prodding my restless mind. This disturbs me, not being able to let my thoughts wander into the forest of my mind and emerge triumphant with an answer. No, tonight is not the night. My mind is empty from all thoughts.

The quietness outside my college room seems to call me. Beckoning me to walk underneath the stars and bathe in the moonbeams. I have longed to set myself free under the night's sky and roam. But not tonight. Tonight would be one more of those long, sleepless nights.

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